My work aims to tap into the feeling of nostalgia for the viewer through the power of food memories. Using oil paint on laser-cut panels depicts home-cooked meals or even more mundane food that anyone can relate to. By choosing to represent food, I can connect to a larger audience of viewers. For each one can relate to food in some way. These nostalgic feelings spark what I call food memories. These feelings hold a greater power to someone than an everyday experience. These reflections hold onto much more, for they have captured one's sense of smell, taste, hearing, and feeling. The scent of something such as a blueberry candle can bring back strong feelings you did not know you even held onto. Such as the smell of your grandpa's blueberry muffins sitting on the table waiting to be eaten. I aim to bring back these nostalgic feelings and emotions for the viewer to spark conversation and hopefully show how keeping traditions in a family through something as simple as food can keep these memories growing for generations. Through my work, I have seen how important it is to keep every dish I recreated alive in my family so my future generations can also have these fantastic memories to pass down.